Instances of Inspiration

Captivating Case Stories

That which simplifies institute management, fostering enhanced collaboration and engagement among administrators, educators, and learners.

Crafting a Digital Transformation

Fee Management

Case story series: Digital transformation of educational institutions with DHI by Heraizen.

With more than 5000 students, the customer institution has been proud of its 40+ years of illustrious history in the educational arena. Yet, the adoption or use of technology was never scaled fairly. It was solely limited to the use of spreadsheets with formulae and macros.

Path to a Digital Metamorphosis

CO – PO attainment

Case story series: Digital transformation of educational institutions with DHI by Heraizen.

The accreditation nightmare was looming, and with each passing day, the faculty members found themselves embroiled in a prolonged and iterative process of gathering scores for each course. The daunting task of consolidating the scores for rounding off both CO and PO attainment into a pre-formatted excel spreadsheet was enough to send shivers down their spines.

Heraizen has a great workflow. Being in sync with one another is great, and we never have to guess where to find information.

Assistant Professor

Design Institute

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